Lilium xhollandicum Bergmans ex Woodcock & Stearn (= Lilium bulbiferum L. x maculatum Thunb.) (Hort.) – A very rare escape from or relic of cultivation or a mere throw-out, sometimes more or less temporarily established. At present only known from a single locality in the Ghent port area (Rodenhuizedok) where it grows by a track in a sand raised site, along with other garden plants such as Cortaderia selloana and Phyllostachys spec., all doubtlessly emerging from rhizomes that were introduced in contaminated soil.
Elsewhere in Europe it has been known for instance from the British Isles where it persists in a railway bank (Clement & Foster 1994).
This hybrid is widely cultivated. It is very similar to L. bulbiferum but tends to grow taller, stems are more leafy and flowers more numerous. Leaves and upper stem are usually also less hairy.
Selected literature:
Clement E.J. & Foster M.C. (1994) Alien plants of the British Isles. BSBI, London: XVIII + 590 p.