Revision of Anemone hepatica from Fri, 2017-03-17 10:33

Anemone hepatica L. (Hepatica nobilis Schreb.) (Eur.) – A very rare, locally naturalized escape from or relic of cultivation. Known in Belgium since at least 1825 (Durand 1899). Anemone hepatica is by far best documented from Roly where it has been known since 1863 (Lebeau 1967). There are, however, no recent records from the area. This species has never been reliably documented from Flanders and it seems to have disappeared from many of its Walloon localities. At present it seems to be restricted to a single locality in Brussels (Ganshoren) where it was discovered in 2013.

Selected literature

Baumann K. (2013) Leberblümchen (Hepatica nobilis), Blume des Jahres 2013. Der Palmengarten 77(1): 53-56. [available online at:

Clarion I. (1981) What's in a name? Hepatica. Garden (New York) 5(2): 8-9.

Commichau M.A. (2007) Hepatica. Aktueller Überblick über die Gattung: 53 p. [available online at:

Durand T. (1899) Phanérogames. In: De Wildeman E. & Durand T., Prodrome de la flore belge. A. Castaigne Editeur, Bruxelles: 1112 p.

Fægri K. (1990) Blåveisen i ytre Trøndelag. (Hepatica nobilis in the outer areas of Trondelag, Central Norway.) Blyttia 48(3): 133-136.

Fuchs H. (1998) Farbvarianten und Blattzeichnungen des Leberblumchens. Gartenpraxis 24(2): 8-11.

Giersch S. (2010) Über Vorkommen des Leberblümchens Hepatica nobilis im Schwarzwald. Carolinea 67: 71-76.

Hüber F. (1984) Das Leberbluemchen (Anemone hepatica). Eine Pflanzenbiographie. Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Niederbayern 30: 5-17.

Lebeau J. (1967) Observations et trouvailles floristiques en 1966. Nat. Mosana 20(1-2): 1-8.

Myers M.D. (1990) A review of the genus Hepatica. Quart. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc. 58(2): 144-156.

Myers M. (1994) Hepatica: the forgotten genus. Garden (London) 119(2): 82-85.

Scheerer H. (1991) Die Verbreitung des Leberblumchens in Ostwurttemberg. Jahresh. Ges. Naturk. Wurttemberg 146: 129-158.

Schlyter S. (1995) New leaf forms of Hepatica nobilis. Rock Gard. Quart. 53(2): 135-144.

Slavikova Z. (1976) Zur Morphologie der Blutenhülle von Hepatica nobilis. Preslia 48(1): 97-106.

Tyler T., Brunet J. & Tyler G. (2002) Sensitivity of the woodland herb Anemone hepatica to changing environmental conditions. Journal of Vegetation Science 13(2): 207-216.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith