Revision of Allium roseum from Fri, 2017-09-29 14:22

Allium roseum L. (Medit.) – An exceptional escape from cultivation or, more likely, a more or less established throw-out. Known from a single locality in Brugge where a small population persists (discovered in 2017) in a grassy bank alongside a former railway track, close to a garden center. In this locality it grows along with several other species of Allium, including A. triquetrum and A. pendulinum.
In this population all plants have inflorescences with bulbs and flowers, a character of var. bulbiferum DC.

Selected literature:

Frost L.C., Houston L., Lovatt C.M. & Beckett A. (1991) Allium sphaerocephalon L. and introduced A. carinatum L., A. roseum L. and Nectaroscordum siculum (Ucria) Lindley on St Vincent's Rocks, Avon Gorge, Bristol. Watsonia 18(4): 381-385.

Marcucci R. & Tornadore N. (1994) Variabilita cariologica di Allium roseum L. (Alliaceae). Inform. Bot. Ital. 25(1): 90-95.

Marcucci R. & Tornadore N. (1997) Intraspecific variation of Allium roseum L. (Alliaceae). Webbia 52(1): 137-154. [available online at:]

Oswald P. (1993) Native and naturalised Garlics in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden. Nat. Cambridgeshire 35: 67-75. [available online at:

Seisums A. (1998) Identify and typification of Allium magicum, A. nigrum, and A. roseum (Alliaceae). Taxon 47(3): 711-716.

Zammouri J., Guetat A. & Neffati M. (2009) Morpho-phenological characterization of Allium roseum L. (Alliaceae) from different bioclimatic zones in Tunisia. African Journal of Agricultural Research 4(10): 1004-1014. [available online at:

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith