Papaver atlanticum
Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Cosson (Morocco) – A rare but much increasing escape from cultivation. First recorded in 1986 on an old wall in Oudergem (Brussel). Subsequently also seen for several years in Brugge (from 2000 onwards but now gone), Zeebrugge (since 2006), Mechelen (2008), Deurne (2009), Gent (2011), etc. See for an up-to-date overview ( Nearly all records are from urban, sun-exposed habitats: foot of walls, railway tracks or old walls. Papaver atlanticum often persists for several years and in a few localities (e.g. Zeebrugge) it seems to be recently naturalized.
Identical records of Papaver atlanticum are becoming increasingly available from neighbouring countries as well (see for instance: Adolphi & al. 2004, Denters 2004, etc.).
Selected literature:
Adolphi K., Keil P., Loos G.H. & Sumser H. (2004) Kurze Notizen zu Vorkommen der Mohngewächse Macleaya spec., Meconopsis cambrica und Papaver atlanticum. Flor. Rundbr. 38: 29-37.
Denters T. (2004) Stadsplanten. Veldgids voor de stad. Fontaine Uitgevers, ‘s-Graveland: 432 p.
Lousley J.E. (1949) Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Cosson. Watsonia 1: 117.
Reckin J. (1974) Über Arthybriden in der Gattung Papaver: 1. Zur Morphologie, Zytologie und Biochemie synthetischer diploider sowie induzierter amphidiploider Hybriden aus Papaver somniferum L. und Papaver atlanticum Ball. Wiss. Zeitschr., Padag. Hochsch. Potsdam 18: 33-46.
Vent W., Randel W. & Wendt N. (1968) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Sippenstrukter von Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss. und Papaver rupifragum Boiss. et Reut. Feddes Repert. 77: 47-56.
Wiedemann D. (2011) Der Atlas-Mohn (Papaver atlanticum (Ball) Coss.): ein Neuankömmling in Hamburg. Berichte des Botanischen Vereins zu Hamburg 26: 169-170.