Revision of Cephalaria gigantea from Fri, 2016-01-15 13:15

Cephalaria gigantea (Ledeb.) Bobrov (syn.: Scabiosa gigantea Ledeb.) (Caucasus) – A very rare escape from cultivation or garden throw-out. Discovered in Scheldewindeke in the valley of riverlet Molenbeek in 2006 (shady, rather nitrophilous and damp habitat) and near a garden in Ieper in 2008. More or less temporarily established in few numbers but probably not really becoming naturalised. Cephalaria gigantea rather requires a sun-exposed and well-drained habitat.

Cephalaria gigantea is increasingly cultivated in private gardens and more records of escapees are expected.

Cephalaria gigantea, Ieper, former canal Ieper-Comines, canal bank, June 2011, F. Verloove Cephalaria gigantea, Ieper, former canal Ieper-Comines, canal bank, June 2011, F. Verloove
Cephalaria gigantea, Ieper, former canal Ieper-Comines, canal bank, June 2011, F. Verloove  

Herbarium specimen


Wallnöfer B., Strudl M. & Pokorny M. (2015) Über fremdländische Arten von Cephalaria (Dipsacaceae), Gilia (Polemoniaceae), Ornithopus (Fabaceae) und Trachystemon (Boraginaceae) in Österreich. Stapfia 103: 151-159. [available online at:]

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith