11. Solanum rostratum Dun. (syn.: S. heterandrum Pursh) (N-Am., Mexico) – A rather rare and always ephemeral alien. First recorded in Haren (Brussel) and Vlierbeek in 1890. Subsequently found on various occasions between 1891 and 1895 (Dison, Huy, Neder-over-Heembeek, Stavelot, Warnant, Wijgmaal, Wilsele). In the 20th century recorded in numerous widely scattered locations. In the past decades probably slightly decreasing and chiefly seen in port areas (Antwerpen and Gent), more rarely on dumps. Solanum rostratum was an exceptional wool alien (only recorded in Béthane in 1957 and 1959). Most records (including all recent ones) are obviously related with grain importation (including birdseeds, soybeans,…) (Verloove & Vandenberghe 1994).
The name Solanum cornutum Lam. (for which the correct name seems to be S. angustifolium Mill.; see Whalen 1979, Shaw 2000, Jäger & al. 2008) has been widely misapplied for this species in Belgium (Lambinon & Duvigneaud 1980). However, its occurrence cannot be totally excluded since it is cultivated as an ornamental according to Jäger & al. l.c. (unless it is, again, confused with Solanum rostratum). Former Belgian records of Solanum citrullifolium A. Braun all proved to be in error for S. rostratum. Both share the distinctly unequal anthers but Solanum citrullifolium has bluish corollas (erroneous in the key in Shaw 2000) and is glandular hairy. Whalen (1979) provides a taxonomic revision of Solanum rostratum and related species (Solanum section Androceras), including S. angustifolium and S. citrullifolium. Many of the species in this group are weedy annuals and might occur as aliens in Europe.
Selected literature:
Bassett I.J. & Munro D.B. (1986) The biology of Canadian weeds. 78. Solanum carolinense L. and S. rostratum Dunal. Can. J. Pl. Sci. 66: 977-991. [available online at: http://pubs.aic.ca/doi/pdf/10.4141/cjps86-120]
Jäger E.J., Ebel F., Hanelt P. & Müller G. (eds.) (2008) Rothmaler Band 5. Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Krautige Zier- und Nutzpflanzen. Springer Verlag, Berlin: 880 p.
Lambinon J. & Duvigneaud J. (1980) Remarques nomenclaturales à propos de la deuxième édition de la « Nouvelle Flore ». Lejeunia N.S. 101: 56 p.
Schnedler W. (1977) Pflanzen, von denen in der mitteleuropaischen Literatur setten oder gar keine Abbildungen zu finden sind: Folge I. Eruca sativa, Eragrostis tef, Solanum rostratum, S. sisymbrifolium, S. sodomaeum. Gött. Flor. Rundbr. 10(4): 85-91.
Shaw J.M.H. (2000) Solanum. In: Cullen J. & al. (eds.), The European Garden Flora, vol. 6. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 233-240.
Sotiaux A., Roegiers O. & De Zuttere P. (1981) Un mode curieux d’introduction de phanérogames adventices par les fumures. Dumortiera 19-20: 26-28.
Verloove F. & Vandenberghe C. (1994) Nieuwe en interessante graan- en veevoederadventieven voor de Belgische en Noordfranse flora, hoofdzakelijk in 1993. Dumortiera 58-59: 44-59.
Whalen M.D. (1979) Taxonomy of Solanum section Androceras. Gentes Herb. 11(6): 359-426.