Revision of Vicia dalmatica from Wed, 2013-07-10 09:09

Vicia dalmatica A. Kerner (syn.: Vicia tenuifolia Roth subsp. dalmatica (A. Kerner) Greuter, V. elegans Guss., V. tenuifolia Roth subsp. stenophylla Velen., V. tenuifolia Roth var. laxiflora Griseb., V. tenuifolia Roth var. elegans (Guss.) Dinsm., V. tenuifolia Roth var. stenophylla Boiss., V. cracca L. subsp. stenophylla (Boiss.) Velen., V. cracca L. subsp. elegans (Guss.) Holmboe) (SE-Eur.) – A very rare, locally naturalized alien. Long confused with Vicia tenuifolia (Verloove, in prep.). Known at least since 1937 from dry, sun-exposed calcareous slopes at Montagne Saint-Pierre (Thiers de Lanaye). In 2001 discovered in similar conditions in a former gravel pit in Engis in the valley of river Meuse and recently (2012) confirmed. Both localities are in protected, high-value areas (often Mesobrometum) (Verloove 2013).

Vicia dalmatica much looks like V. tenuifolia but has upper leaves with much narrower (nearly setaceous) leaflets and a laxer inflorescence with much fewer corollas (see also Verloove l.c. for further details). In Belgium both species are readily distinguished but in areas where they grow sympatrically more or less intermediate forms are often encountered. Therefore, subspecific rank is perhaps more appropriate.

Selected literature:

Bauer N. (2011) Vicia dalmatica A. Kerner in Hungary. Studia Bot. Hung. 42: 125-134. [available online at:]

Bosc G. & Deschâtres R. (1986) Vicia dalmatica A. Kerner adventice en Provence. Le Monde des Plantes 423-424: 23-24.

Coulot P. & Rabaute P. (2002) Découverte de deux nouvelles vesces (Vicia L., Leguminosae) pour le Languedoc-Roussillon et situation de ces espèces en France. Le Monde des Plantes 477: 7-13. [Available online at:]

Fridlender A. (2009) Observations sur quelques vesces (Vicia L., Leguminosae) rares et menacées des colonies xérothermiques d’Auvergne: V. melanops Sibth. et Sm., V. loiseaui (d’Alleizette) Fridlender comb. stat. nov. et V. dalmatica A. Kerner. Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 78(7-8): 141-157.

Ludwig W. (1992) Vicia dalmatica - eine neue Adventivpflanze? Hess. Flor. Briefe 41(3): 39-41. Verloove F. (2013) Vicia tenuifolia subsp. dalmatica (Fabaceae) ongemerkt ingeburgerd in België en omliggende gebieden. Dumortiera 102: 40-44. [Available online at:

Wörz A. & Bässler M. (1990) Zur Verbreitung von Vicia dalmatica Kerner in Baden-Württemberg. Jh. Ges. Naturkde. Württemberg 145: 265-271.


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