Revision of Trifolium michelianum from Fri, 2016-05-20 13:27

Trifolium michelianum Savi (S-Eur., W-As.) – A very rare and ephemeral alien. Recorded only twice so far. First seen on a demolition site of a former horse artillery in Gent in 1994, obviously from a long-buried seed bank (Verloove & Heyneman 2012). In 1998 also recorded as grain alien in the Antwerp port area (initially mistaken for the similar T. nigrescens).

Trifolium michelianum was initially confused with T. nigrescens. Both are indeed superficially similar. However, the former has calyx teeth that are 2-4 times as long as the tube (in Trifolium nigrescens about as long as the tube). Trifolium hybridum subsp. elegans is also similar but perennial and also has much shorter calyx teeth.

Selected literature:

Calabuig E.L. & Gómez Gutiérrez J.M. (1976) Nueva cita de Trifolium michelianum Savi para la Península Ibérica. Lagascalia 6(1): 3-6. [available online at:]

Caldarella O., La Rosa A., Cusimano D., Romano S. & Gianguzzi L. (2013) Distribution, ecology and conservation survey on Trifolium michelianum Savi (Fabaceae) in Sicily (Italy). Plant Biosyst. DOI:10.1080/11263504.2013.790852.

Verloove F. & Heyneman G. (2012) Merkwaardige plantencollecties van twee antropogene zaadbanken in Gent (Oost-Vlaanderen, België). Dumortiera 100: 19-24. [available online at:]

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith