Revision of Dracocephalum parviflorum from Fri, 2014-05-23 11:40

Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt. (N-Am.) – A rare and ephemeral alien, sometimes persisting for some years. Apparently first collected in 1893 in Wilsele (possibly as a grain alien). Repeatedly seen as a wool alien in the valley of river Vesdre but all records are concentrated in the 1920’s (Visé 1958). Regularly seen elsewhere in very widely scattered localities and perhaps slightly more often in the past decades. Most recent records are from dump sites or port areas and most likely associated with cereals (for instance in Antwerpen and Brugge; see also Verloove & Vandenberghe 1999). In 1995 and 2001 also seen on demolition sites in Gent (Verloove & Heyneman 2012; compare also with Clement 1977) and in 2010 in Leopoldsburg. Finally, in 2011, also seen on coal mining spoil heap near Genk.

Selected literature:

Clement E.J. (1977) Adventive news 9. Demolition aliens. BSBI News 17: 14-16. [available online at:]

Verloove F. & Heyneman G. (2012) Merkwaardige plantencollecties van twee antropogene zaadbanken in Gent (Oost-Vlaanderen, België). Dumortiera 100: 19-24. [available online at:]

Verloove F. & Vandenberghe C. (1999) Nieuwe en interessante voederadventieven voor de Belgische flora, hoofdzakelijk in 1998. Dumortiera 74: 23-32.

Visé A. (1958) Florule adventice de la vallée de la Vesdre. Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 90: 287-305.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith