Revision of Thladiantha dubia from Fri, 2014-08-29 09:30

Thladiantha dubia Bunge (Korea, China) – An exceptional and probably ephemeral alien. Recorded only once, in 2010, at the decantation basins of the sugar refinery of Tienen.

At this unique locality Thladiantha dubia was initially identified as Cucumis melo, a species which it resembles superficially. However, it has more deeply cordate, unlobed leaves with semicircular sinuses, larger corollas and very distinct, reflexed calyx segments.

Thladiantha dubia is cultivated as an ornamental and for its edible fruit. In parts of south central Europe it has become naturalized in recent years, for instance in Austria, Croatia,

Selected literature:

Alegro A., Bogdanović S., Rešetnik I. & Boršić I. (2010) Thladiantha dubia Bunge (Cucurbitaceae), new alien species in Croatian flora. Natura Croatica 19(1): 281-286. [available online at:]

Chrtková A. (1983) Poznamy k nekterym adventivnim druhum z celedi Cucurbitaceae v Ceskoslovensku. Zpravy Cesk. Bot. Spol. CSAV 18(1): 15-25.

Jentsch H. (1984) Zum Vorkommen von Thladiantha dubia Bunge im Spreewald. Gleditschia 12(1): 83-84.

Leute G.H. & Sembach W. (1984) Die Verbreitung der Quetschgurke (Thladiantha dubia Bunge, Cucurbitaceae) in Kärnten und deren Auftreten als Maisunkraut. Carinthia II, 94: 37-45. [available online at:]

Zounek F. (1936) Thladiantha dubia na Moravě. Příroda 29: 29.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith