Revision of Bupleurum odontites from Fri, 2015-07-03 14:53

Bupleurum odontites L. (syn.: B. fontanesii Guss. ex Caruel) (Medit.) – A very rare and ephemeral alien. Apparently recorded only twice in Belgium so far. First seen on rough ground in Ukkel (Brussels) in 1906 (Fabri 1987). In 2015 recorded near an abandoned grain storage at the Amerikadok in the Antwerp port area, along with Bupleurum subovatum.

Selected literature:

Fabri R. (1987) Les Bupleurum adventices de Belgique et du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Dumortiera 37: 2-6. [available online at:]

Snogerup S. & Snogerup B. (2001) Bupleurum L. (Umbelliferae) in Europe – 1. The annuals, B. sect. Bupleurum and sect. Aristata. Willdenowia 31: 205-308. [available online at:]

Vinogradova V.M. (1979) Bupleurum odontites L. (Apiaceae) species pro flora URSS nova (in Russian). Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 15: 185-187.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith