Revision of Achillea filipendulina from Fri, 2016-02-19 10:22

Achillea filipendulina Lam. (syn.: A. eupatorium Bieb., A. filicifolia Bieb., Tanacetum angulatum Willd.) (Caucasus, C-As.) – A rare but recently increasing, usually ephemeral escape from cultivation. First recorded on a canal bank near Wijnegem in 1944. In the past years much increasing, especially in Flanders (Verloove 2008). It is usually found in road and canal banks, on rough ground, by railway tracks and even on old walls. An overview of recent records is available here:  Achillea filipendulina is often very persistent but most locations only count single or few individuals.


Selected literature:

Soriano I. (2014) Achillea filipendulina Lam. nueva para Andalucía, más algunas observaciones sobre las Achillea andaluzas. Acta Botanica Malacitana 39: 295-297. [available online at:]
Verloove F. (2008) Enkele nieuwe neofyten in België en Noordwest-Frankrijk. Dumortiera 94: 1-8. [available online at:

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