3. Atriplex sagittata Borkh. (syn.: A. acuminata Waldst. et Kit., A. nitens Schkuhr) (SW and C-As., SE and C-Eur.) – A rare and ephemeral alien. Recorded several times in the middle of the 19th century as a weed of arable land but without further details. Subsequently collected in Leernes in 1869 and in Theux and Trooz (gravelly banks of river Vesdre) in 1907. More recently found on dumps near Antwerpen (1975, 1983) and Beringen (1976).
Most records of Atriplex sagittata were initially ascribed to A. hortensis (some also to Chenopodium hybridum). Both species of Atriplex are indeed very similar and might still be confused. Atriplex sagittata should be looked for along motorways, especially in the eastern portion of the country (see for instance Schnedler & Bönsel 1989).
Selected literature:
Brandes D. (1982) Das Atriplicetum nitentis Knapp 1945 in Mitteleuropa insbesondere in Südost-Niedersachsen. Documents Phytosociologiques 6: 131-153.
Kirschner J. (1984) Atriplex sagittata Borkhausen: a nomenclatural note. Preslia 56(2): 159-160.
Kopecký K. & Lhotska M. (1990) K šíření druhu Atriplex sagittata. Preslia 62: 337-349.
Ludwig W. (1996) Notizen über Atriplex acuminata (A. nitens) und Atriplex micrantha (A. heterosperma) in Hessen. Hess. Flor. Briefe 45(4): 59-65.
Mandák B. (2001) Fruit dispersal and seed banks in Atriplex sagittata: the role of heterocarpy. Journal of Ecology 89: 159-165.
Mandák B. (2005) How does seed heteromorphism influence the life history stages of Atriplex sagittata (Chenopodiaceae)? Flora 200: 516-526.
Mandák B. & Pyšek P. (1998) History of the spread and habitat preferences of Atriplex sagittata (Chenopodiaceae) in the Czech Republic. In: Starfinger U., Edwards K., Kowarik I. & Williamson M. (eds.): Plant invasions: Ecological mechanisms and human responses, p. 209–224, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Schnedler W. & Bönsel D. (1989) Die grosswüchsigen Melde-Arten Atriplex micrantha C.A. Meyer in Ledeb. (= A. heterosperma Bunge), Atriplex sagittata Borkh. (= A. nitens Schkuhr = A. acuminata W. & K.) und Atriplex oblongifolia W. & K. an den hessischen Autobahnen im Sommer 1987. Hess. Flor. Briefe 38(4): 50-64.
Schwarz O.C. (2003) Atriplex micrantha C.A. Mey. in Ledeb. und andere Melde-Arten. Nomenklatur, Morphologie, Verbreitung, Ökologie und Taxonomie. Jahresh. Ges. Naturk. Württemberg 159: 113-195. [available online at http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/opus/volltexte/2004/1649/
Suchorukow A.P. (2007) Zur Systematik und Chorologie der in Russland und den benachbarten Staaten (in den Grenzen der ehemaligen USSR) vorkommenden Atriplex-Arten (Chenopodiaceae). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 108B: 307-420.
Weicherding F.-J. (2007) Zur Verbreitung und Soziologie der adventiven Melden Atriplex micrantha Ledeb. (Verschiedensamige Melde), Atriplex sagittata Borkh. (Glanz-Melde) und Atriplex oblongifolia Waldst. et Kit. (Langblättrige Melde) (Chenopodiaceae) im Saarland und in angrenzenden Gebieten. Abh. Delattinia 33: 117-139.
Wisskirchen R. & Krause S. (1994) Zur Verbreitung und Ökologie von Atriplex sagittata Borkh. (Glanz-Melde) im nördlichen Rheinland. Tuexenia 14: 425-444.