Dasiphora davurica (Nestler) Komarov var. mandshurica (Maxim.) Verloove et Lambinon (syn.: D. mandshurica (Maxim.) Juzepczuk, Potentilla davurica Nestler var. mandshurica (Maxim.) Wolf, P. mandshurica Maxim.) (Siberia, China, Japan) – An exceptional escape from cultivation. Recorded once, self-sown in cracks in pavement in Edegem in 2008.
This taxon is closely related to Dasiphora fruticosa but has white petals. The above collection has silky hairy leaves, a diagnostic feature of var. mandshurica.
Dasiphora glabra Soják (syn.: Potentilla glabra Loddiges) is a very similar related species and apparently also cultivated as an ornamental. It is a glabrous plant and might also occur as an escape.
Selected literature:
Rhodes H.L.J. (1954) The cultivated shrubby Potentillas. Baileya 2: 89-96.
Verloove F. & Lambinon J. (2011) The non-native vascular flora of Belgium: new names and combinations. New J. Bot. 1(1): 38-42.