Glyceria R. Brown
Glyceria is a relatively small genus of ca. 35 species of wet areas. Most are confined to the northern hemisphere. Four species are native in Belgium: Glyceria declinata Bréb., G. fluitans (L.) R. Brown, G. maxima (Hartm.) Holmberg and G. notata Chevall. (Lambinon & al. 2004).
In addition to the two alien species currently found in Belgium another North American species, Glyceria grandis S. Watson ex A. Gray, , is locally naturalized, especially in Scandinavia (Niordson 1989, Kääntönen 1991, Kurtto 1996b) and more recently also in France (Portal & Bergeron 2004) and the British Isles (Ellis 2001). It is most closely related to native Glyceria maxima and has darker and smaller spikelets but is otherwise very similar. A recently described new European subspecies of Glyceria maxima (subsp. micrantha Scholz; see Scholz 2002), hardly differs from the American G. grandis and further blurs the specific boundaries between both species.
1. Spikelets oblong to linear in outline, at least twice as long as wide, 6-32 mm long, at fruiting cylindrical to slighty compressed. Anthers 3 (native) === Glyceria declinata, G. fluitans, G. maxima and G. notata
1. Spikelets obovate to oblong, 1.5-6 mm long, almost as wide as long, always laterally compressed at fruiting. Anthers 2 === 2
2. Spikelets 3-5 mm wide. Lemma 3-3.8 mm long, veins visible but not raised === G. canadensis
2. Spikelet 1.2-2.2 mm wide. Lemma 1.2-1.8 mm long, veins distinctly raised === G. striata
Babczynska-Sendek B. & Sendek A. (1989) Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchcock - nowy gatunek we florze Polski. Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 34: 75-80.
Barkworth M.E. & Anderton L.K. (2007) Glyceria. In: Barkworth M.E. & al. (eds.), Flora of North America north of Mexico, vol. 24: 68-88. Oxford University Press, New York-Oxford.
Bizot A. & Parent G.H. (2005) Trois plantes américaines du Nord-Est de la France: 1. Carex vulpinoidea Michx., 2. Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchcock, 3. Scirpus atrovirens Willd. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Ard. 94: 24-34.
Carlsson R. (1976) Glyceria striata funnen i Sverige. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 70: 57-60.
Conert H.J. (ed.) (1998) Gustav Hegi Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa. Band I, Teil 3 Poaceae (3.Auflage). Parey Buchverlag, Berlin: XXVII + 898 p.
Dančák M. (2002) Glyceria striata – a new alien grass species in the flora of the Czech Republic. Preslia 74: 281-289.
Ellis G. (2001) Alien records. BSBI News 86: 47-48.
Felzines J.-C. & Loiseau J.-E. (2002) Cyperus reflexus Vahl et Glyceria striatus (Lam.) A.S. Hitch., deux adventices en cours de naturalisation dans la vallée de la Dordogne moyenne. Monde Pl. 478: 9-11.
Ganzert C. & Walentowski H. (1989) Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. – eine neue Graminee in der Flora Bayerns. Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 60: 191-194.
Georges N. (2002) Glyceria striata (Lamarck) A. Hitchcock, une nouvelle poacée pour la flore de Lorraine. Monde Pl. 477: 15-18.
Gerstberger P. (1994) Die Neophyten Glyceria striata und Scirpus atrovirens im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge bei Oberwinter. Decheniana 147: 44-48.
Haeupler H. (1971) Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. - ein Neubürger in Deutschlands Gramineenflora. Gött. Florist. Rundbr. 5: 63-68.
Holub J. (1980) Glyceria. In: Tutin T.G. & al. (eds.), Flora Europaea, vol. 5. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 180-181.
Kääntönen M. (1991) Glyceria grandis Juupajoella (EH) – uusi laji Suomelle. Lutukka 7: 130-132.
Keil P. (2005) Ein Vorkommen von Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. in Wuppertal-Dornap. Natur und Heimat 65: 61-63.
Korneck D. & Schnittler M. (1994) Glyceria striata und Scirpus atrovirens im Rheinland. Flor. Rundbr. 28: 29-36.
Kumm V. (2002) Ein Vorkommen von Glyceria striata im Springbruch bei Potsdam. Verh. Bot. Ver. Berlin Brandenburg 135: 11-16.
Kurtto A. (1996b) Suomen sorsimoiden (Glyceria) määrityskaava. Lutukka 12: 125-126.
Lambinon J., Delvosalle L., Duvigneaud J. (avec coll. Geerinck D., Lebeau J., Schumacker R. & Vannerom H. (2004) Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des Régions voisines (Ptéridophytes et Spermatophytes). Cinquième édition. Jardin botanique national de Belgique, Meise: CXXX + 1167 p.
Lid J. & Lid T.L. (1994) Norsk Flora, 6th ed.: LXXIII + 1014 p. Det Norske Samlaget, Oslo.
Melzer H. & Wagner S. (1991) Glyceria striata (Lam.) A.S. Hitchc., das gestreifte Schwadengras – neu für Oberösterreich. Linzer biol. Beitr. 23: 251-255.
Mitchell J. (2007) Glyceria canadensis in Dumbarton (v.c. 99). BSBI News 104: 36.
Niordson N. (1989) Kvarngröe, Glyceria grandis, funnet i Småland och Halland. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 83: 357-360.
Piwowarski B. & Bartoszek W. (2012) The occurrence of Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. in Europe and the new localities of the species in Poland. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 81(2): 87-92. [available online at:]
Portal R. (2014) Glyceria, Puccinellia, Pseudosclerochloa. France, pays voisins et Afrique du Nord. Vals-près-Le Puy: 149 p.
Portal R. & Bergeron G. (2004) Deux graminées nouvelles pour la France. Glyceria grandis S. Watson ex A. Gray 1890; Jarava brachychaeta (Gordon) Penail. 2002. Monde Pl. 483: 12-14.
Raabe U. (1986) Der Gestreifte Schwaden, Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchcock, bei Bad Rothenfelde, Kreis Osnabrück. Flor. Rundbr. 19(2): 85-87.
Saintenoy-Simon J. (1997) Excursion dans la région de Waimes et de Bütgenbach, le 14 septembre 1996. Adoxa 17: 19-21.
Scholz H. (2002) Eine neue Unterart der Glyceria maxima und Bemerkungen zu G. grandis (Poaceae). Verh. Bot. Ver. Berlin Brandenburg 135: 5-9.
Tsvelev N.N. (2006) Synopsis of the mannagrass genus, Glyceria (Poaceae). Bot. Zhurn. 91(2): 255-276 [in Russian; a translated English version is available at:].
Verloove F. (2002) Ingeburgerde plantensoorten in Vlaanderen. Mededeling van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud n° 20: 227 p.
Whipple I.G., Barkworth M.E. & Bushman B.S. (2007) Molecular insights into the taxonomy of Glyceria (Poaceae: Meliceae) in North America. Amer. J. Bot. 94: 551-557.