Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl. (China) – A very rare escape from cultivation. Apparently first documented in 2005 when it was found on the ruins (old walls) of an archaeological site in Ename (Oudenaarde), probably introduced by berry-eating birds. Since then also recorded in Mol in 2012 and Diest (old walls of the Citadel) in 2015.
Selected literature:
Jelitto C.R. (1978) Winterjasmin, Jasminum nudiflorum. Palmengarten 42(1): 22-23.
Serviss B.E., Olsen B.L., Hardage J.W. & Peck J.H. (2018) The first naturalized occurrence of Jasminum (Oleaceae) in the Arkansas flora. Phytoneuron 2018-16: 1–6. [available online at: http://www.phytoneuron.net/2018Phytoneuron/16PhytoN-JasminumArkansas.pdf]