Liatris spicata

Liatris spicata (L.) Willd. (eastern USA) – A very rare escape from cultivation or established throw-out. Recorded since 2011 in a few localities, at first in Verviers. Since then also seen in Mol and Laakdal in the Kempen. At least in one locality in Mol (Europawijk) Liatris spicata occurs with several individuals on almost bare sand and seems to persist well.

Although a very common garden plant Liatris spicata is a rather rare escape from cultivation in Europe. Records are available from, among others, the British Isles (comm. E.J. Clement), Germany (Gerstberger & al. 2007, Verein Flora Nordostbayern 2013) and Sweden (Karlsson 1997).

The very similar Liatris ligulistylis (A. Nelson) K. Schumann has been recorded in the British Isles (Clement & Foster 1994).

Selected references:

Clement E.J. & Foster M.C. (1994) Alien plants of the British Isles. BSBI, London: XVIII + 590 p.

Gerstberger P. & Vollrath H. (eds.) (2007) Flora Nordostbayerns - Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen - Zwischenbericht 2006. Beihefte zu den Berichtsbänden der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Bayreuth 6: 268.

Karlsson T. (1997) Förteckning över svenska kärlväxter. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 91: 241-560.

Verein Flora Nordostbayern e. V. (ed.) (2013) Flora Nordostbayerns - Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen - 2. Zwischenbericht. Stand Dezember 2012. Bayreuth: 300.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith