Picea abies

1. Picea abies (L.) Karst. (P. excelsa Link) (Eur.) – Widely cultivated for timber production, especially in the Ardennes. Locally reproducing in abundance and naturalised in parts of the Ardennes (for instance Hautes Fagnes), more rarely elsewhere in Belgium. Usually found in heaths, wood-margins, clearings or quarries. The escape of Picea abies in Belgium is poorly documented. Saplings have been collected at least from 1951 onwards (near Samrée).

Locally considered as a noxious invasive species in Hautes Ardennes where saplings of Picea abies are not easily removed (Lambinon 2005).

Picea abies, Torhout, Groenhovebos, woodland, self-sown, March 2009, F. Verloove.

Picea_abies branch                            Picea_abies detail

Picea abies, leaf & cross section

Herbarium specimen


Selected literature:

Lambinon J. (2005) Plantes introduites, naturalisées, invasives… : enrichissement de la biodiversité ou menaces pour la conservation de la nature. L’Erable 4(4): 2-9.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith