1. Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. (syn.: Buphthalmum speciosum Schreb.) (C- and SE-Eur., SW-As.) – A rather rare but increasing, locally naturalised escape from cultivation. Probably first recorded in a meadow in 1870. Subsequently also in Dolhain (1908) and Surdents (1922). Early records were often from heavily disturbed habitats (e.g. waste land,…) and probably mostly ephemeral. However, in the past decades increasingly recorded in natural environments, usually in deciduous woodland. As such, Telekia speciosa has become naturalised in scattered localities in Watermaal-Bosvoorde (Zoniënwoud) (Geerinck & Roelandt 1997), at least since the 1960’s. Known since 1997 from woodland in Waardamme (Oostkamp) and since 2002 from Pailhe (in both localities naturalised in abundance). Furthermore recorded in Belsele in 2002 (small population) and in Brugge in 2004. In the past years further spreading and by now known from rather numerous, very widely scattered locations throughout Belgium (see also http://waarnemingen.be). Most present-day localities are from shady, damp and rather nitrophilous woodland.
Telekia speciosa may locally form dense, nearly monospecific stands, especially in nitrophilous, rather damp deciduous woodlands (often competing with native Urtica dioica). Future invasive behaviour cannot be excluded.
Telekia speciosa has often been confused with Inula helenium in Belgium. They are similar in general habit but nonetheless easily distinguished: Telekia is characterised by the presence of receptacular scales, its acute, non-tomentose involucral bracts and its leaves with sharply serrate margins.
Brandes D. (2010) Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. am Nordhang der Karnischen Alpen unterhalb des Plöckenpasses (Kärnten, Österreich). Available online at: http://www.ruderal-vegetation.de/epub/telekia_speciosa.pdf.
Geerinck D. & Roelandt B. (1997) Telekia speciosa (Asteraceae) en forêt de Soignes. Dumortiera 68: 9-12.
Jäger E.J. (1976) Areal und Ausbreitungsgeschichte des Neophyten Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. Mitt. Flor. Kart. Halle 2(2): 40-44.
Kent D.H. (1964) Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. Bot. Soc. Brit. Isles Proc. 5: 343-344.
Knapp H.D. & Hacker E. (1984) Zur Einbürgerung von Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. in Mecklenburg. Gleditschia 12: 85-106.
Lange U. (2014) Zwei bemerkenswerte Arten im Naturraum Hohe Rhön: Telekia speciosa und Inula helenium. Hess. Flor. Briefe 62(1): 1-3.
Verloove F. (2002) Ingeburgerde plantensoorten in Vlaanderen. Mededeling van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud n° 20: 227 p.
Verloove F. (2006) Telekia speciosa. In: Van Landuyt W., Hoste I., Vanhecke L., Van den Bremt P., Vercruysse W. & De Beer D., Atlas van de flora van Vlaanderen en het Brussels gewest. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Nationale Plantentuin van België en Flo.Wer: 870-871.
Walter E. (1987) Die Große Telekie (Telekia speciosa) - gartenflüchtig und sich ausbreitend - in Oberfranken. Ber. Naturforsch. Ges. Bamberg 62: 11-26.