Although morphologically strikingly different Parnassiaceae is better placed in Celastraceae according to recent phylogenetic research (Zhang & Simmons 2006, Mabberley 2008, APGIII 2009). Most present-day floras (including Lambinon & al. 2004) include it in Saxifragaceae.
1. Petals white, showy (corolla 15-30 mm across). Plant herbaceous, up to 30 cm tall, with mostly basal leaves (native) === Parnassia
1. Petals inconspicuous, greenish (corolla ca. 8-10 mm across). Shrubs, small trees or woody climbers with leafy stems === 2
2. Woody climbers. Leaves alternate. Deciduous. Fruit a 3-valved capsule, yellowish at maturity === Celastrus
2. Shrubs (sometimes small and trailing) or small trees, never climbing. Leaves opposite. Deciduous or evergreen. Fruit a 4 or 5-lobed capsule, pinkish or reddish at maturity === Euonymus
APG III (2009) An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants. APG III. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 161(2): 105-121.
Lambinon J., Delvosalle L., Duvigneaud J. (avec coll. Geerinck D., Lebeau J., Schumacker R. & Vannerom H. (2004) Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des Régions voisines (Ptéridophytes et Spermatophytes). Cinquième édition. Jardin botanique national de Belgique, Meise: CXXX + 1167 p.
Mabberley D.J. (2008) Mabberley’s plant-book (3th ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: XVIII + 1021 p.
Zhang L.B. & Simmons M.P. (2006) Phylogeny and delimitation of the Celastrales inferred from nuclear and plastid genes. Syst. Bot. 31(1): 122-137.