- Buds with scales. Female flowers in short, few-flowered and stiff spikes. Fruit (nut) 30-50 mm long, not winged. Leaflets rarely toothed (J. nigra), very aromatic. Never forming thickets from suckers === Juglans
- Buds without scales. Female flowers in long, pendent, many-flowered catkins. Fruit (nut) ca. 20 mm long, broadly winged. Leaflets toothed, odourless or with a very faint odour. Easily forming thickets from suckers (clonal growth) === Pterocarya
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De Langhe J. (2006) Determinatiesleutel voor de geslachten Carya Nutt., Cyclocarya Iljinsk., Juglans L., Platycarya Siebold & Zucc., Pterocarya Kunth (Juglandaceae). Belgische Dendrologie 2006: 59-67 (available online at:https://www.arboretumwespelaar.be/userfiles/file/pdf/Key_JUGLANDACEAE_JD...).
Roloff A. & Bärtels A. (2006) Flora der Gehölze (2e Auflage). Ulmer, Stuttgart: 844 p.
Stone D.E. (1993) Juglandaceae. In: Kubitzki K. & al. (eds.), The families and genera of vascular plants, vol. 2. Springer Verlag, Berlin: 348-359.