Salvia reflexa
Salvia reflexa Hornem. (N-Am.) – A rather rare and ephemeral alien. Probably first recorded in 1947 in the valley of river Vesdre (as a wool alien) (Lawalrée 1949). Soon afterwards observed in several, widely scattered localities, for instance in Antwerpen (1949, 1954), Charleroi (1952-53), Jemappes (1958), Mechelen (1952), Mons (1951), Namur (1955), Surdents (1958) and Temse (1952) (see also Lawalrée 1953). Many records were from dumps (see also Lebeau 1954) and probably associated with cereals (including bird seed). According to Hanson & Mason (1985) Salvia reflexa is a common impurity in American millet seed. In the past decades still regularly seen, mostly in port areas (especially Antwerpen and Gent). All recent records are obviously related with grain importation (e.g. Lambinon 1991, Verloove & Vandenberghe 1995).
Selected literature:
Baskin J.M. & Baskin C.C. (1971) Salvia reflexa new to Tennessee. Castanea 36(2): 77-79.
Hanson C.G. & Mason J.L. (1985) Bird seed aliens in Britain. Watsonia 15: 237-252. [available online at:]
Hunziker A.T. (1961) Sobre la importancia de Salvia reflexa Hornem. como maleza en la Provencia de Córdoba. Kurtziana 1: 304-305.
Lambinon J. (1991) Adventices grainières et autres plantes intéressantes observées en 1990 au port d’Anvers (Belgique). Dumortiera 49: 1-6. [available online at:]
Lawalrée A. (1949) Adventices intéressantes de notre pays. Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 81: 40-44.
Lawalrée A. (1953) Contribution à l’étude de la flore adventice de la Belgique. Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 86: 137-143.
Lebeau J. (1954) Plantes trouvées en 1952 et 1953 au terrain d’immondices de la ville de Charleroi à Jamioulx au cours d’une cinquantaine de promenades. Nat. Mosana 6: 59-61.
Odero D.C., Mesbah A.O., Miller S.D. & Kniss A.R. (2010) Lanceleaf Sage (Salvia reflexa) Interference in Sugarbeet. Weed Technology 24(4): 557-561.
Sandwith N.Y. (1950) Salvia reflexa Hornem. Watsonia 1: 317-318.
Spooner B.M. (1982) Salvia reflexa Hornem. in Britain. BSBI News 31: 17-18. [available online at:]
Verloove F. & Vandenberghe C. (1995) Nieuwe en interessante voederadventieven voor de Belgische en Noordfranse flora, hoofdzakelijk in 1994. Dumortiera 61-62: 23-45. [available online at:]
Vitalariu G. & Leucov M. (1971) Salvia reflexa Hornem., une nouvelle plante adventive de la Roumanie (in Romanian). Stud. Comun., Bot.: 689-693.
Weerakoon W.L. (1981) Studies on autecology of Salvia reflexa Hornem. (mintweed) with special reference to weed management. J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 47: 218.
Weerakoon W.L. & Lovett J.V. (1986a) Studies of Salvia reflexa Hornem. III. Factors controlling germination. Weed Res. 26: 269-276.
Weerakoon W.L. & Lovett J.V. (1986b) Studies of Salvia reflexa Hornem. IV. Effects of watering frequency, drought and nutrient supply on growth and development. Weed Res. 26: 277-282.
Weerakoon W.L. & Lovett J.V. (1986c) Studies of Salvia reflexa Hornem. V. Competition from crop and pasture species. Weed Res. 26: 283-290.