Anoda cristata
Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht. (syn.: A. brachyantha Reichenb.) (Am.) – A rare and ephemeral alien, known since 1940. In the past decades seen most years, sometimes in abundance, near grain mills in the ports of Gent and Antwerpen, usually from spilled soybeans. However, much decreasing lately (last seen in 2016 on a demolition site of the former Vamo Mills oil mill by the Albertkanaal in Merksem). Furthermore found on dumps, in arable fields (probably introduced with manure), on wasteland or along road verges, most often also as a grain alien. Anoda cristata is also cultivated as an ornamental in Europe but none of the Belgian records seems to be associated with garden waste.
Anoda cristata is a rather variable species (leaf shape, flower colour,…). A rather distinctive plant with very typical, palmately lobed leaves (deeply 3-lobed, with narrow lobes, the median lobe by far the longest) was collected in 2001 near Gent, probably as a wool alien. Such plants seem to belong to var. digitata A. Gray (see Hochreutiner 1916, Kloos 1934), but the taxonomic value of this variability probably is restricted.
Selected literature:
D’hose R. & De Langhe J.-E. (1982) Nieuwe groeiplaatsen van zeldzame planten in België. X. Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 115: 289-296.
Druet J. & Duvigneaud J. (1951) Note sur quelques phanérogames adventices. Lejeunia 15: 59-62.
Kloos A.W. (1934) Aanwinsten van de Nederlandse flora in 1933. Nederl. Kruidk. Archief 44: 110-145.
Lambinon J. (1991) Adventices grainières et autres plantes intéressantes observées en 1990 au port d’Anvers (Belgique). Dumortiera 49: 1-6.
Lawalrée A. & Vanden Berghen C. (1946) Note sur quelques phanérogames de la flore belge. Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 78: 100-105.
Robbrecht E. & Jongepier J.-W. (1986) Floristische waarnemingen in de kanaalzone Gent-Terneuzen (België, Oost-Vlaanderen & Nederland, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen), vooral van 1981 tot 1985. Dumortiera 36: 6-21.
Robbrecht E. & Jongepier J.-W. (1989) De synantrope flora van het havengebied van Gent (België, Oost-Vlaanderen), waarnemingen van 1986 tot 1988. Dumortiera 44: 1-12.
Sotiaux A., Roegiers O. & De Zuttere P. (1981) Un mode curieux d’introduction de phanérogames adventices par les fumures. Dumortiera 19-20: 26-28.
Verloove F. & Vandenberghe C. (1993) Nieuwe en interessante graanadventieven voor de Noordvlaamse en Noordfranse flora, hoofdzakelijk in 1992. Dumortiera 53-54: 35-57.