Anemone apennina
Anemone apennina L. (Anemonoides apennina (L.) Holub ) (Corsica, Italy, Balkans) – A very rare, locally naturalized escape from or relic of cultivation. It was first documented from Anderlecht in 1807. Anemone apennina is probably best known from the Beaumont area where it is known since more than a century (Chapelle du Goulot, Parc Paridaens; see e.g. Havrenne 1993, Duvigneaud & Leurquin 1994, Saintenoy-Simon 2012). At Chapelle du Goulot it was said, in 1883 already, to be present since quite a long time. Recently it was also confirmed from Wépion (La Marlagne; 2013-2014) where it has been known at least since 1955. Many other claims, however, require confirmation since A. apennina and A. blanda are superficially much alike. A. apennina is distinguished by its appressed hairy pedicels (vs. patent hairy), its sepals that are slightly hairy on the lower surface (vs. glabrous) and its fruiting heads that remain erect (vs. pendent). It also tends to have slightly fewer sepals and its leaves are usually more hairy, especially on the lower leaf surface.
Selected literature
Barton I.B. (1979) Anemone apennina. Quart. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc. 47(3): 267-271.
Conrad M. (1978) Anemone apennina L. dans le nord de la Corse. Monde Pl. 73(395): 4.
Duvigneaud J. & Leurquin J. (1994) Le parc de Paridaens à Beumont (province de Hainaut, Belgique) et ses plantes castrales. Nat. Mosana 47(2): 75-80.
Havrenne A. (1993) L’anémone des appenins (Anemone appenina) fleurit toujours à Beaumont (province de Hainaut, Belgique). Nat. Mosana 46(4): 144-145.
Jelitto C.R. (1975) Anemone apennina, das blaue Buschwindroschen. Palmengarten 39(2): 63-64.
Kiesewetter H. (2011) Anemone apennina L., das Apenninen-Windröschen, eine eingebürgerte Art in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Botanischer Rundbrief für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 48: 62-64. [available online at:]
Saintenoy-Simon J. (2012) A la recherché d’Anemone apennina, excursion de l’A.E.F. à Leval-Chaudeville et Beaumont, le 16 avril 2011. Adoxa 73/74: 1-5.