Cheilanthes viridis
Cheilanthes viridis (Forssk.) Swartz var. macrophylla (Kunze) Schelpe et N.C. Anthony (syn.: C. hastata (L. f.) Kunze var. macrophylla Kunze, Pellaea viridis (Forssk.) Prantl var. macrophylla (Kunze) Sim) (Afr.) – An exceptional alien, more or less regularly recorded as a greenhouse weed (under tomatoes) in Wachtebeke since 2005 (now gone). As for Anogramma chaerophylla the vector of introduction of Cheilanthes viridis in Wachtebeke remains uncertain (industrial dust from a nearby steel plant has been suggested; see White 2009). According to Altman (1998) it is sometimes cultivated for ornament (indoors).
Altman B. (1998) Kamervarens. Lisse, Zuidboek Producties: 144 p.
White W. (2009) Adventieve tropische varens in een kweekserre: industrieel fijn stof als een mogelijke dispersievector. Dumortiera 96: 23-26.
Yatskievych G. (2020) The Status of the Non-Native Fern Cheilanthes viridis (Pteridaceae) in the United States. Lundellia 23(1): 19-27. [available online at: