Tulipa sylvestris
Tulipa sylvestris L. (S-Eur., N-Afr.) – A rare escape from cultivation, locally naturalized since very long but decreasing in recent times (De Langhe & Slembrouck 1993). Usually found in old parks and estates, in meadows or on dikes. There used to be a remarkable concentration of populations between Antwerpen-Mechelen and Leuven but most are extinct by now. The most stable populations are currently found in Deurne (Rivierenhof) (De Beer 2006). In 2007 also re-discovered in an old park in Borgerhout where previous records dated back to 1932 (Slembrouck 2010). Galoux & al. (1986) provide an overview of recent populations of Tulipa sylvestris in Wallonia.
The residence status of Tulipa sylvestris in Belgium was quite controversial for a long time. It was formerly claimed as a native, which is very unlikely. In fact, it is impossible to ascertain where this species is native, most likely from southern Spain, throughout northern Africa, to Central Asia (Christenhusz & al. 2013).
Selected literature:
Cesca G., Viegi L. & Cela Renzoni G. (1995) Tulipa sylvestris L. (Liliaceae): a misinterpreted case. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 129(2): 20.
Christenhusz M.J.M., Govaerts R., David J.C., Hall T., Borland K., Roberts P.S., Tuomisto A., Buerki S., Chase M.W. & Fay M.F. (2013) Tiptoe through the tulips – cultural history, molecular phylogenetics and classification of Tulipa (Liliaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172(3): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262873497_Tiptoe_through_the_tu...
De Beer D. (2006) Tulipa sylvestris. In: Van Landuyt W., Hoste I., Vanhecke L., Van den Bremt P., Vercruysse W. & De Beer D., Atlas van de flora van Vlaanderen en het Brussels gewest. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Nationale Plantentuin van België en Flo.Wer: 892-893.
De Langhe J.E. & Slembrouck J. (1993) De Bostulp (Tulipa sylvestris L.) in België, vroeger en nu. Dumortiera 53-54: 26-35.
Duvigneaud J. & Leurquin J. (1994) Le parc de Paridaens à Beumont (province de Hainaut, Belgique) et ses plantes castrales. Nat. Mosana 47(2): 75-80.
Galoux A., Galoux J.-M., Havrenne A., Hunin F., Pohl H. & Duvigneaud J. (1986) Tulipa sylvestris L. à Beaumont et à Chimay (province de Hainaut, Belgique). Nat. Mosana 39(1): 10-11.
Graf H.D. & Schumacher W. (1981) Wiederfund von Tulipa sylvestris L. (Liliaceae) im Bad Munstereifel. Decheniana 134: 324-326.
Jäger E.J. (1973) Zur Verbreitung und Lebensgeschichte der Wildtulpe (Tulipa sylvestris L.) und Bemerkungen zur Chorologie der Gattung Tulipa L. Hercynia 10(4): 429-448. [available online at : http://public.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/index.php/hercynia/article/view/1367]
Kowarik I. & Wohlgemuth J.O. (2006) Tulipa sylvestris (Liliaceae) in Northwestern Germany: A non-indigenous species as an indicator of previous horticulture. Polish Botanical Studies 22: 317-331. [available online at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288071711_Tulipa_sylvestris_Lil...
Molenaar E. (1999) De bostulp, Tulipa sylvestris, toch nog te Sint-Katelijne-Waver Dumortiera 74: 33.
Pavora A. (1995) My plant of the year. Tulipa sylvestris. Hardy Pl. 17(2): 10-14.
Raabe U. (1998) Zum Vorkommen von Goldstern-Arten (Gagea spec.) und Wilder Tulpe (Tulipa sylvestris) auf Kirch- und Friedhoefen im Raum Hamburg – Lauenburg. Floristische Rundbriefe 21(2): 104-106.
Simpson F.W. (1979) Former sites of Tulipa sylvestris L. in Suffolk. Suffolk Nat. Hist. 18: 84-85.
Slembrouck J. (2010) Tulipa sylvestris, een stinsenplant met onkruidallures. Dumortiera 98: 24-25. [available online at: http://www.plantentuinmeise.be/DUMORTIERA/DUM_98/Dum%2098_24-25_Tulipa%2...
Stikvoort E.C, van Wijngaarden W. & Meininger P.L. (2017) Bostulpen in Zeeland: heden en verleden. Basisdocument. FLORON district 17 (Zeeland), Goes. [available online at: http://www.floron.nl/Portals/1/Plaatjes/Districten/D17/Bostulpen%20in%20...
Trist P.J.O. (1979) Tulipa sylvestris L. in Suffolk. v.c. 25. Suffolk Nat. Hist. 18: 82-83.
Wohlgemuth J.O. & Kaiser T. (2008) Die Wilde Tulpe (Tulipa sylvestris L.) im Raum Celle: Biotopbindung und Verbreitungsbild eines Neophyten. In: Evers C. (ed.), Dynamik der synanthropen Vegetation : Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Dietmar Brandes. Braunschweig: 491-497. [available online at: https://publikationsserver.tu-braunschweig.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServle...