Dipsacus strigosus
Dipsacus strigosus Willd. ex Roem. et Schult. (syn.: Virga strigosa (Willd. ex Roem. et Schult.) Holub) (Russia, Ukraine) – A very rare alien but possibly overlooked. A small but apparently well-established population was discovered in 2012 in the Koning Boudewijnpark in Jette (Brussel). For additional information, see: http://alienplantsbelgium.be/content/dipsacus-strigosus-found-belgium-and-possibly-overlooked. By now it turned out to be recorded already in this very locality in 2010 (http://waarnemingen.be/waarneming/view/48969122). In 2013 a very large population was discovered alongside river Leie in Gent (Blaarmeersen). Dipsacus strigosus here occurs with many hundreds of individuals (river and wood margin but also extending to a nearby railway yard) and is obviously naturalized since quite a long time (but up-to-present confused with D. pilosus). Also in 2013 discovered in three localities along riverlet Molenbeek in Hofstade (N of Aalst) and perhaps more widely dispersed in this area.
Dipsacus strigosus is widely naturalized in several parts of Europe (see for instance Poelt 1970, Leslie 1980, Helfrich & Lohwasser 1990, Walter 2004, Ahrens 2007, Ahrens 2008, …), much increasing lately and possibly overlooked in Belgium. It is a look-alike of native Dipsacus pilosus with larger heads (30-40 mm versus 15-25 mm) and pale yellow corollas (versus whitish corollas). Especially records of Dipsacus pilosus from unusual habitats (wasteland, …) or disjunct areas are possibly suspect and require further investigation.
Selected literature:
Ahrens W. (2007) Zur Unterscheidung von Dipsacus pilosus L. und Dipsacus strigosus Willdenow ex Roemer et Schultes. Mitt. Florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt 12: 71-75.
Ahrens W. (2008) Dipsacus strigosus Willdenow ex Roemer et Schultes 1818. Eine neue Sippe in Niedersachsen. Braunschw. Geobot. Arb. 9: 21-41. [available online at: http://rzbl04.biblio.etc.tu-bs.de:8080/docportal/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/DocPortal_derivate_00012649/Ahrens_Dipsacus_strigosus.pdf]
Helfrich T. & Lohwasser W. (1990) Zur Verbreitung der Behaarten Karde (Dipsacus pilosus L.) und der Schlanken Karde (Dipsacus strigosus Willd. ex Roemer et Schultes) in Oberfranken. Ber. Naturforsch. Ges. Bamberg 65: 25-61.
Leslie A.C. (1980) Further records of Dipsacus strigosus Willd. in Cambridgeshire. Watsonia 13: 126-128.
Poelt J. (1970) Dipsacus pilosus und sein verkannter Doppelgänger Dipsacus strigosus in Südbayern. Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 42: 203-206.
Walter E. (2004) Über die Ausbreitung der schlanken Karde (Dipsacus strigosus Willd. ex Roemer et Schultes) in Oberfranken. Flor. Rundbr. 38(1-2): 81-86.