Danae racemosa
Danae racemosa (L.) Moench (SW As.) – An exceptional escape from cultivation. A single individual was found in young deciduous woodland in Roeselare (Bergmolenbos) in 2014 from where it disappeared soon afterwards. In 2015, however, a second individual was discovered elsewhere in the same woodland. The presence of this shrub was subsequently regularly confirmed and in 2018 it was found in fruit which could enhance further local dispersal. The species was possibly introduced by birds.
This species, especially in the vegetative state, closely resembles non-pungent species of Ruscus like R. hypoglossum. Leaves of the latter are widest at the middle, with an acute rather than a long acuminate apex, a more prominent venation and they are less glossy.
Danae racemosa is frost sensitive but easily seems to survive recent Belgian winters. Although still exceptional, it is increasingly reported as escaping from cultivation in parts of Europe. There are several recent records from northern Italy (e.g. Masin & Scortegagna 2012, Ceffali & Galasso 2015) and neighboring territories (e.g. Rottensteiner 2012).
Selected literature:
Arber A. (1924) Danae, Ruscus and Semele: a morphological study. Annals of Botany 38: 229-260.
Ceffali G. & Galasso G. (2015) Notula 274 Danaë racemosa. In Galasso G. & Banfi E. (eds.), Notulae ad plantas advenas longobardiae spectantes: 5 (263-310). Pag. Bot. 38: 17-48. [available online at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272421237_Notulae_ad_plantas_advenas_Longobardiae_spectantes_5_%28263-310%29]
Masin R. & Scortegagna S. (2012) Flora alloctona del Veneto centro-meridionale (province di Padova, Rovigo, Venezia e Vicenza – Veneto – NE Italia). Natura Vicentina 15: 5-54. [available online at: http://www.museicivicivicenza.it/file/doc1-10940.pdf]
Prilipko L.I. (1975) O Tretichnom relikte - Danae vetvistol (Danae racemosa (L.) Moench). Byull. Glavn. Bot. Sada (Moscow) 95: 107-109.
Rottensteiner W.K. (2012) Vorarbeiten zu einer "Flora von Istrien", Teil XV. Carinthia II 203: 601-662. [available online at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Walter_Rottensteiner/publication/234034048_Vorarbeiten_zu_einer_Flora_von_Istrien_Teil_XV/links/0912f50e6b42ebef5e000000.pdf]
Smefanov B. & B'nkov M. (1978) The plant Danae racemosa (Med.) Moench and some other species of the family Liliaceae. Gorskostop. Nauk. 15(1): 79-87.